How My Broker Gets 94% of My Student’s Loans Over the Line
Make no mistake about it, tightening lending criteria have made it far tougher to get finance. But once you learn how the new rules work, you can slam dunk it more than 9 times out of 10.
What impact will the abolishment of negative gearing have on investors, if Labour is voted in?
There’s opportunity written all over this if you know what to look for. Sadly, many will lose their shirt, by being misinformed. Just make sure it’s not you.
What’s next for interest rates? Are they going up, down or sideways?
Discover exactly what’s going on behind the scenes, which the mass media isn’t telling you, and how it will impact interest rates going forward.
A breakdown of two properties. They look the same but get very different results
A single decision could make you thousands of extra equity if you know what to look for. Here I compare two types of properties, both similar, but with very different results. This example alone could save you from an expensive mistake
Why savvy investors are going to get far better rental returns in 2019
If you currently own an investment property, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. In fact, give you managing agent a heads up straight away, because if they are lazy – this oversight could cost you thousands.
How to negotiate a 20% discount on any property
So even if the market drops, you still win. This is the perfect strategy to use right now, particularly if you’re concerned about further volatility in the market.