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I came from Myanmar in June 2013. I was in Australia for 9 months and got a full time job for only 2 months when I joined the Real Wealth Australia Mentoring program (Mar 2014). My husband had a full time job and had saving $40k and we had no equity at all. After 9 months (Dec 2014) we bought our first investment property in QLD through the mentoring of the Real Wealth Australia Mentoring team. They taught us how to do Due Diligence to choose growth suburb to build up equity and he advised us to choose a property with rental yield above 5.5% to cover expenses by rental income. Jan 2016, we bought our second property (cash flow property) in VIC which has 2 titles (one is a house with land and another is a land only) with our saving money. Now our first property has equity 50k and we’ll use it to build a removal house on the land in coming Apr 2016 and it will be our third property.
Thank you for simple and step by step instructions which are really helpful to a person like me who come from a third world country.
“With us at every step” – Sanjaya Wickramasinghe, March 2016
The Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring program helps us to save the deposit and go for the first investment property within 10 months. Real Wealth Mentoring team helped us to do the budget and narrow down the property search based on our financial situation.
The Property Mentoring team was always there with us at every step to guide and give the best advice. That really help us to make the right decision and know all the possible areas that can go wrong. Thank you!
“I purchased in a small development” – Desi Panagiotidis, March 2016
Before I started the Real Wealth Australia Mentoring program I was not aware about the ‘hit and miss’ scenarios of off-the-plan purchases. I quickly learned that they are usually not the ideal choice for property investing.
Luckily for me I purchased in a small development (less than 30). The Due Diligence also showed the quality of the fittings was better than most other developments in the area. My property investing journey is on it’s way and I look forward to many more future purchases armed with the sound knowledge I am gaining.
“Two properties in 12 months” – Pip Russell, March 2016
I bought a QLD property with my Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) leveraging off the learning I accumulated through the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring Program.
I purchased my principal property of residence just one month earlier! This latest acquisition is positively geared. 12 months earlier I had no properties and was struggling to save for my first property with my (then) partner. Two properties in 12 months has left me pretty chuffed.
“Second property with confidence” – Chris Ting, March 2016
We joined the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring program 6 months ago. It took us some time to get through the material, but once we understood the principles Real Wealth Australia was teaching us, investing in property took on a whole new meaning.
We were able to objectively look at deals and evaluate them based on our strategy and under the guidance of the Property Mentors we were able to purchase our second property with confidence.
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I started the real wealth education program a little over 12 months ago. At the time we had one investment property and were looking to purchase further properties, with a view to establishing a passive income base eventually.
However we lacked direction in many areas of property investment. We found it difficult to decide which properties were right for us to buy. What type of properties (houses or units), what areas would be liable to bring better returns, whether to buy newer or older properties and the resulting tax implications. We also found it very difficult to understand the importance of different buying entities and their long term implications. Consequently, we found ourselves wasting a lot of time and not really getting to the stage of really making any decisions.
Involvement in the real wealth program has allowed us to move forward with a greater level of confidence. We have now purchased a set of 3 units on one title in a trust, which has been set up for the purpose. This property is a positive cash flow arrangement, and has allowed us to move forward to purchase a second set of 4 units on separate titles, which are also cash flow positive, and with some work could actually generate a reasonable capital return also. The plan is to now look to areas to purchase one or two new or very new houses this year with good capital growth potential, although with negative cash flow. (with tax benefits these should still be close to positively geared) This will be possible because of the cash flow generated by the other properties.
Although we have been involved in property for a long time, many of the concepts we have come to understand through our involvement with Real Wealth are still relatively new to us. However, the access to information which allows us to make intelligent decisions on property purchases, rather than just what we think might be a good idea, and the help of Real Wealth mentors along the way has given us the confidence to actually move forward. Thanks for your help!
“Extremely supportive” – Chad Ellis, March 2016
After many attempts at purchasing different properties, for the first time we think we have got this correct. The mentors at Real Wealth Australia have been extremely supportive and the greater Real Wealth Australia community have been great to bounce ideas off.
Thank you to the team at Real Wealth Australia! Back to searching for more properties – Onward and upward!
“We bought another house” – Chris De Lorenzo, March 2016
Using the Modules and Systems from the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring Program we bought another house, will most likely subdivide and leverage the position to get a positive cashflow position.
Really enjoyed the support I received form the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring Team, now it’s time to get another borrowing power assessment done for further purchases.
“Put what we learn to good use” – Hui Sea, February 2016
We had 1 investment properties before starting the Property Mentoring Program with Real Wealth Australia. We had no idea of how and where to start the next one until we joined the program. From doing the strategy, budget, finance, due diligence to finalising the suburb and the property, it was a slow experience but we were glad that we have put what we learn to good use. Hopefully, we can start the next one soon and put all the learning to good use again.
“Our first investment property” – Sandi Reeves, February 2016
We had just purchased our own home when we joined the Real Wealth Australia Mentoring Program and since then (in 7 months) have set ourselves up and accessed the equity in our home and purchased our first investment property, receiving our first rent last week.
The teams were fantastic and provided great support and feedback along the way. We are now all geared to rinse and repeat.
“A second dwelling” – Richard Biec, February 2016
I got started on the Real Wealth Australia Mentoring Program with a purchase of a 4-bedroom house on 680 m2 block purchased within our SMSF – mid 2015. Purchase price $306,000 and currently renting at $330 per week. Mike Wegener very helpful and assisted us with setting up the SMSF and obtaining the loan.
The latest result of my participation in the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring is I have purchased an existing house on 900 m2 block. This was purchased with a view to building a second dwelling (3bedroom house) at the back of the block. Existing property purchased at $220,000 and is now tenanted and renting at $290 per week.
“A wonderful result” – Andrew and Nicole Narbeshuber, February 2016
The Real Wealth Australia team worked hard on getting this one across the line over the Christmas break. I had not finished what I need to do, in the program meaning I read the 57 biggest mistakes but not the step by step program that real wealth advises to complete before purchasing.
This was not at all a brick wall for the Real Wealth Australia mentoring team they all just looked at this as a challenge and helped me achieve a wonderful result, I’m very grateful of the support and great advice that I’m receiving and I’m looking forward to my next buy, I cannot sing the praise and professionalism enough that this team possess. Thank you real wealth Australia I look forward to the great journey with your team.
“$1.2million portfolio in 5 months” – Michael Kambouridis, February 2016
I decided to sell an investment property 6 months ago to use the equity to begin my journey. Real Wealth Australia guided me with their amazing support from their mentors to setting up a great team for finance and management of properties.
The result I now have purchased 3 properties ($1.2million portfolio in 5 months) and I am only 2 properties away from setting my 12 month goal of purchasing 5 properties. I would have never achieved this had it not been for me joining the property mentoring program team.
Best decision I ever made!
“3 properties in quick succession” – Trevor Ash, February 2016
I recently purchased 3 properties in quick succession after joining the Real Wealth Australia Property mentoring program. One is a 1900 property which has had a total renovation in the last year, in an area that is going through a growth/development and is in a sought after area for rent.
I also purchased a property in WA which after completing due diligence the property matched my buying rules.
Based on the same due diligence for WA I purchased a second property (in my SMSF)
“a team who have walked the walk” – Maggs Macguiness, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s mentoring program means that I have first had access to a team who have walked the walk and are willing to not only guide from a professional + experienced based perspective but also to share their stories, challenges + successes.
I finally feel ready to take the leap and commit by buying my first investment property by August 2016.
Sharon Tudor Smith, February 2016
The mentoring program means I have access to knowledge and learning and help to become confident at investing.
Justin White, February 2016
I have learnt a very lot about team building, strategy and due diligence.
Natasha Scott, February 2016
The mentoring program gives me focus for what I need to work on with a team on call to help + support us.
Karen and Graham Harris, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia gives me people to talk to and run things by.
Cheryl and Ray Town, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s mentoring program means that I have the information I need to proceed further.
John McKenna, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia gives me the confidence to chase and achieve my retirement goals.
Matt Halpin, February 2016
A safety net of experienced professionals who have been in the same situation as us and who are on our side.
Cathy Benn, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s program means I know now that I can always ask for help with any questions however insignificant.
Scott Baxter, February 2016
An investment strategy that is clear and goal orientated. I know I can now achieve my financial goals.
Basia Kielbasa, February 2016
Better understanding of the whole process of searching and finding the right property for my circumstances. Thank you very much.
Paul Anderson, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s mentoring program means that we can have a secure future and help our children achieve the same goals to financial freedom.
Alice Brabben, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia gives me “The Process”. I’m going to stick to it, and diligently follow the steps and I hope to buy my first property this year.
Rebecca Baxter, February 2016
Realised I CAN afford to buy and hold, I love the key criteria checklist. I feel confident to make choices about what where and how much to pay for the house. The trust information gave me a great long term view of structuring for cash flow today thanks. Confidence that I can do far more than I realised. I can understand how to look at the numbers better so I can take emotion out of the decision.
Elena Vettorel, February 2016
The mentoring program means I have trustworthy experts ready to support me and share knowledge to assist me in achieving a successful portfolio – building my path to a stress – free, financial free future.
Thank you for today and for reasserting Real Wealth Australia’s availability and support.
Matt Lowe, February 2016
With the mentoring program I have the confidence to fund myself when it comes time to retire. I can speak to mentors who have plenty of experience in property investment and help me understand the process.
Daniel Bryant, February 2016
Gained a wealth of knowledge in one day. My wife was the one doing all the steps, modules and research and I know I can now assist and provide a lot more feedback and knowledge to assist us both in achieving our goals.The mentoring program gives us experts around us that we can trust and rely on a regular basis.
Rachel Elms-Bryant, February 2016
Overcome my fears and years putting off investing. I could never get past the barrier of committing to buy due to fear of making the wrong decision. I can now move past that and plan for the future.
Craig and Lyndell Phillips –February 2016
The mentoring program means I now have a clear vision and strategy I need to create the life we dream of having through property.
Justin and Alex Taylor, February 2016
The mentoring program gives us experts around us that we can trust and rely on a regular basis.
Sedat Gunes, February 2016
Great support with the team. I like to thank Helen and the team.
Anton Jones, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia mentoring means I have the support to overcome my lack of knowledge in investing as I knew I didn’t know enough to be confidently moving forward using investing as a vehicle.
Nick Longano, February 2016
With the mentoring program I get a professional to answer questions when needed.
Keith Findlay, February 2016
The mentoring program means I have the knowledge and thus the skill to go forward in a methodical way to build my families future.
David Mac Gregor, February 2016
The mentoriong program means we have access to experts/people who have more experience than us. Also all the information they can give us is very helpful.
Michael Dashwood, February 2016
The principles + strategies that enable us as a couple to achieve our financial goals ensuring us to be independent.
Steve Ryan, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia has given me the confidence to take the next step.
Rivka Pooly, February 2016
This mentoring course gives me support, info and real life examples.
Julius Lou, February 2016
I can make a change in my life and have the support from Real Wealth Australia.
Beau Cook, February 2016
The tools and knowledge to buy more properties without being scared or nervous.
David Lam, February 2016
Increased my knowledge, techniques and understanding of property wealth education. Now I have more confidence and know-how of increasing my portfolio. I’m looking forward to get connected with my mentor and the people I have meet today.
Elena Vettorel, February 2016
The mentoring program means I have trustworthy experts ready to support me and share knowledge to assist me in achieving a successful portfolio – building my path to a stress – free, financial free future. Thank you for today and for reasserting Real Wealth Australia’s availability and support.
Sarah Tice, February 2016
The mentoring program gives me support and someone to cross check my due diligence when I’m not confident with what I’m doing. Continual re-enforcement of all the information IMPORTANT! I forget.
Grace Taffy, February 2016
Had the opportunity of learning from the great experts who are doing their best to assist us along our successful investing journey.
Petrina Nicklin, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s mentoring program means I have made educated decisions.
Nathan Van Roosmalen, February 2016
This mentoring program means I have the education needed to feel confident about investing.
Fabio Andrade, February 2016/em>
It means that now I know what I didn’t know that I didn’t know. It means that now I have a team working with me, giving me the confidence to progress, and helping me not to make mistakes.
Jacinta McCombe, February 2016
Access to great mentors, a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help us start building our property portfolio, to help us reach our goals to be financially free through our portfolio by 2025.
Narelle Hornby, February 2016
This program means I can ring the office whenever I need, book an appointment to start and continue my journey with confidence as the support is always there from the mentors. Thanks Guys!!
Alofagia Tiesi, February 2016
The mentoring program means I have people to guide me and help me along the way.
Jacqueline Smith, February 2016
I gained more knowledge to enable me to feel confident to purchase property and that I am heading in the right direction with the information already received, Thanks.
Hiruni Hewagama, February 2016
Real Wealth Australia’s mentoring program gives me the support to help me through my journey that I need to use more often.
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Well, after 7…yep SEVEN extensions, 3 trips to Australian embassies in Japan (where I live and work as an expat) and Korea to get documents certified and countless disappointments and setbacks…I FINALLY settled the property. Thanks to very helpful guidance from the Real Wealth Australia mentoring team, I not only was turned away from two potentially poor areas to invest in, but the mentors also gave me the confidence to know that I was buying a quality investment property that fit my specific buying rules.
I am very happy with my first property and have improved my investing knowledge greatly going through the Real Wealth Australia property mentoring program. The material is thorough and easy to follow and the mentors have been great. Thanks to the finance expert too who shared my daily settlement frustrations with me also.
I feel this tough first experience has made me stronger and wiser and I’m already looking forward to the next one with the lessons learnt from this experience to fall back on…. back to budgeting, saving and continuing to increase my property investment IQ. As they say ‘the first million (or first property) is always the hardest’
“I have found the checklists invaluable” – Jill Clarke, January 2016
We were renting our PPOR and running our business from the same premises, but had accumulated several investment properties. Circumstances dictated that we needed to move – it was difficult to decide whether to buy a PPOR or continue to rent and buy more investment properties.
With the Real Wealth Australia mentoring program, we were able to clearly map out our way forward. As it turned out, we bought a PPOR and rented some Commercial Space for the business. Much better for work /life balance too!
Although we were already underway on our property investment journey, we now have a great system to inform our decision making process which was probably a bit haphazard previously.
We are consolidating our position and plan to renovate/improve a couple of existing properties to create some more equity and then we will be buying again (with a clear buying strategy!).
“A step by step process that made sense to me” – Leah Prosser, January 2016
I wanted to get into Property Investing but was completely stuck on where to begin. I’d spoken to people I know who have properties but the information would never stick in my head or make sense.
I figured I needed an education on Property Investing and then I found Real Wealth Australia.
I joined Property Mentoring Program on Feb 15 only having my own property and no savings (plus I’m doing this by myself!).
By learning a step by step process that made sense to me I was able to unlock the equity in my own home and purchase my first investment in Dec 15…yay!!!
Now I will start working on investment number 2 and hope to purchase before the end of 2016! I’m confident I will!!
“Just purchased 2 properties within a space of weeks” – Terry Gardner, January 2016
After purchasing a couple of properties we found ourselves in a state of “what next?” We knew we had to purchase more and had property investing goals but we were not sure how to take the next step and what direction to go.
After joining Real Wealth Australia’s Mentoring Program, we have not only found our spark and drive again but we have just purchased 2 properties within a space of weeks with settlement in 2 states at the same time (giving our broker a few sleepless nights I suspect) if it wasn’t for Helen and her team of experts we would probably still be pondering what we should do.
Our goals are now focused and clear although our short term goal of 3 prior to Christmas fell short we are now looking forward to getting another 3 minimum in 2016 and we will then look and adjust our goals moving forward.
Helen thanks to you and your team for getting us back on track!
“Confident of what we were buying” – Graeme Lee, January 2016
We have done a joint venture with our daughter and son in law to purchase a property on which to run a business. We had done a good deal of Due Diligence which we have learned from participating in the Property Mentoring program from Real Wealth Australia and the importance of doing thorough systemized research, so were confident of what we were buying when the right property came along.
“Second Property” – Ruolan Lan, January 2016
This is the second property I bought after joining the Real Wealth Australia Property Mentoring program. This property is an off the plan purchase and I am looking forward to the equity release once it is built.
“Great Support” – Blair and Kim Kurtz, January 2016
I have found the property mentoring program enlightening, the support from the Real Wealth Australia mentoring team great, and the advice from the experts invaluable. It has laid clear a path to follow, with a great support team. Thank you.