I recently sent out an email to my audience about the banks and got surprising feedback.
It appears that many of you are struggling with finance and need help.
Obviously being on this mailing list and reading my blog on this website, you are eager to make the most of your cash flow and want to learn better ways to structure your finances. After all, why throw more money down the drain because the bank loans manager didn’t do his/her job right.
What I’m hearing is:
- You’re not sure if you are getting the best interest rate,
- You’re confused about your loan structure and how to set it up correctly to allow you to keep building your portfolio,
- You can’t borrow more and don’t understand why, OR
- You have had bad/wrong advice.
People are telling me that they think that the APRA rules coupled with the Royal Banking Commission, have stopped them from moving forward.
Please let me cut to the chase… that’s b.s!
My students are buying now and continue to buy now and the reason why is they understand finance, have a great team behind them and work with an experienced broker to get their deals over the line, time and time again.
So I chatted with my broker and asked whether he and his team would make themselves available this week to see how they can help you.
If you are stuck or not sure about your position and need a second opinion from an experienced broker who is an investor themselves, then click here and they will give you a call.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.