Helen Collier-Kogtevs
Ed Kogtevs
Marjo Young
Karen Van Maanen
Zmarak Bangash
Jeffrey Peter Maria Sagayam
Sunita Kasu
Who We Are
At Real Wealth Australia, we are made up of a unique mix of passionate people from all walks of life however we all have one thing in common…
We are all passionate about property and we all get a giant buzz out of supporting our students with the best education and mentoring available – every investment property purchased is met by a chorus of cheers!
Read more about Helen and Ed’s story here
Tight-Knit Family
As a team, we are close; we are like a tight-knit family. In fact, we are so close that we sit down to a cooked lunch every day as a family. Yes, we have a chef that cooks our lunch each day at RWA HQ.
We believe that a family that eats together, stays together! Plus, we have lots of fun ragging each other just like siblings would do over a Sunday lunch. 🙂
We also think creatively about how we can process improve. When there is a problem that needs a solution, as a team (or family) we collectively work together to figure out a way forward. So, it doesn’t matter whether you work in Accounts or IT, everyone has an opinion, thought or idea to contribute.
Collective Wisdom
We are passionate about giving all our students the best possible experience so we ‘huddle’ every time there is something that needs collective wisdom – that’s code for us wanting to under promise and over deliver!
Thus, it’s great when the mentors pipe up and say, ‘Hey I was awake last night and thought of this great idea around a new report we can write in order to help our students with …’
OR …
Our IT Manager, who is often still awake at 2am and says the next morning when he rocks in late for work, ‘Hey I have written some code that will easily help us track how our students are travelling with their workbook.’
Whenever we have great ideas, we are big on Mexican waves. In fact, we all have an app on our mobile phones that allows us to communicate via a walkie-talkie. It’s pretty cool and we all love it.
We also have part of our team that works remotely so to celebrate anyone’s success, whether it be professional or personal, we all jump on our mobile phones yelling out high-fives.
When it comes to our mentors, did you know that unlike just about every other property educator out there, our mentors are entirely sourced from our clients. That’s right, each time you speak with a mentor, you can know that you are speaking to somebody who has experienced the thrills and spills of what you are doing. In our clients view, it’s what separates Real Wealth Australia from the rest.
“Real Wealth Australia team around the lunch table”
Celebrate the Wins
We also like to celebrate our students when they have a win! This is done on our private community Facebook page. When our students follow their own strategy and then purchase a property, we post it on our private page so that all our members can see who is succeeding.
And you know what…?
The feedback and comments are tremendous.
For many of us, sharing your property investing journey with family and friends is difficult as often they are negative and quick to pull us down a peg or two.
But on our community page, you have hundreds of investors, all on a similar journey, giving you that virtual ‘pat on the back’ when you have bought a property.
Think about it…
Buying a property is a BIG Deal and there is nothing more deflating than not being able to share it with those around you. This is why we have this Facebook community page. It gives us all the chance to celebrate our wins with like-minded people.
And the mentors love Facebook too. They are regularly on it posting comments, articles, reports etc. Helen, who leads the way, gets on there to share stories of her travels and progress with rebuilding schools for the kids of Vanuatu.
It’s easy to get caught up in the corporate spiel of who we are but we thought that giving you an insight into the people that make this organisation as great as it is, is more important – after all, most of our students stay with us for a really long time and we want to make sure you get an idea of what we are about.
So we hope this gives you a REAL feel for who we REALLY are. 🙂