Platinum Program

Learn from the master-minds! The Platinum Program is a premium program, and is for advanced students and elite investors who want to be mentored by Helen and Ed Kogtevs. Due to commitments and heavy travel schedules, places for this program are limited to a handful students per year; to qualify for this program there is an in-depth interview process.

What is our Platinum Program?

Our Platinum Program is for the goal-setters, and the experienced investors; whose property dreams have only grown with their portfolio! Like you, these investors, understand the value of education, research, and strategy, which is why they have already successfully invested in property. But, like all those looking to develop and grow with their dreams, successful investors need to upskill and continue to hone their craft.

The Platinum Program was specifically designed to support advanced investors in all facets of their property investing journey. In other words, this program is designed to assist savvy investors refine their strategy and improve their knowledge.  But that’s not all! This program aims to give you the highest level of mentoring and support from pioneering property investors.

Who is the program for?

This program is for advanced investors, who want to learn from investing icons! If you’re looking to create wealth, the correct way, in the next one to two years, then this program is for you! Specifically, this program would suit you if:

  • You’re a savvy property investor, with the finances to grow your property portfolio.
  • You want to propel their portfolio to the ‘next level’ – either by growing it or developing.
  • You want to learn from master-minds who have ‘been there, done that’

As part of this Mentoring Program, you will receive resources and guided support, which will allow you to grow into a better, more knowledgeable investor. But, for this program to help you move forward in your property investment journey, you will need to be a pro-active participant!

Let’s have a conversation…

If you are interested in our Platinum Program, then apply now and let’s have a conversation to see whether we are a good fit.

Click here to apply.